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Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

I love 90's - what about you ???

Can you still remember those good old times ? When the MegaDrome in Radebeul was still alive... Those times where we liked to rock the discotheques and just smiled when we heared Over-30's night... Feel free going back to those on your party. It doesn't matter if you like a 1-2 hour special or a whole 90's night. Don't miss this time-journey when you're a fan of Haddaway, U96, Dune, Blümchen and all the others. There where also great house-tracks, which we forgot about too fast. Your crowd will be amazed of this music-special - they will hear a lot of music they didn't hear for a long time. For this special feel free to contact me.

DJ Dresden

DJ KeckY | Christopher Keck | Traubelstr. 11a | 01109 Dresden | 0177 - 5462334 | booking @
Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

DJ Dresden mobile Diskothek für: Hochzeiten, Polterabende, Weihnachtsfeiern, Silvester, Sylvesterparty, Parties, Events, Moderation,
Firmenfeiern, Betriebsfeiern, Fasching Party, Karneval, Veranstaltungen, Geburtstage, Jubiläen, Silberhochzeit, Goldene Hochzeit,
Halloweenpartys, Modenschauen, Promotionen, Kindergeburtstage, Premieren, Sommerfeste, Stadtfeste, Tanzveranstaltungen, Abendgalas
DJ KeckY in Dresden, Radebeul, Freital, Moritzburg, Erfurt, Sachsen, Brandenburg, Thüringen und bundesweit!